Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (2025)

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Hero Overview


Beep Boop Skedo Bop.
~ Boyfriend's line in the opening cutscene of Roses.

Boyfriend, simply known as BF, is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Captain) of the Newgrounds universe, serving as the main protagonist of Friday Night Funkin' and a minor character in Spooky Month.

He is in a relationship with his demon Girlfriend.

Her parents, both (ex)-musicians don't approve of their relationship and challenged the Boyfriend to a rap battle in order to gain their approval. He also battles with other characters such as Monster, his ex-boyfriend Pico, the Spirit and Tankman throughout his journey. He also made a appearance in the video game DLC of Pico's School.

While his true voice is not revealed, his vocals are provided by Kawai Sprite, while the kid as Boyfriend is voiced by series creator David Axel Cazares-Casanova, better know by his online pseudonym, Sr. Pelo.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Biography
    • 3.1 Skid And Pump
    • 3.2 Pico
    • 3.3 Mommy Mearest
    • 3.4 Christmas
    • 3.5 Hating Simulator
    • 3.6 Tankman
  • 4 Powers and Abilities
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 External Links
  • 7 Navigation

Quick Answers

Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (5)

Who are the parents of Boyfriend's girlfriend in Friday Night Funkin'?Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (6)

In the game Friday Night Funkin', the parents of Boyfriend's girlfriend, known as GF, are Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest. GF, a demon, is often seen atop speakers, encouraging Boyfriend and tracking combos. She is Boyfriend's initial opponent and instructs players via her Tutorial track.

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What challenges does Boyfriend face to gain the approval of his girlfriend's parents in FNF?Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (7)

In the game Friday Night Funkin', the character Boyfriend, aged 19-20, seeks approval from his girlfriend's demon parents, Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest. Despite his fearlessness towards most things, he shows fear during lightning strikes.

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Who are some of the characters Boyfriend battles with in Friday Night Funkin'?Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (8)

Boyfriend, often referred to as bf fnf or fnf boyfriend, is a central character in Friday Night Funkin'. He participates in rap battles against several characters, with one of his initial opponents being his girlfriend. She is a significant character in the game, being the demonic offspring of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest. Her role includes teaching players the game mechanics through her Tutorial track.

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What is the relationship between Boyfriend and Pico in FNF?Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (9)

Pico and Boyfriend, characters from Friday Night Funkin', share a complex relationship. Pico is often described as Boyfriend's 'sexually ambiguous, angry little friend.' A popular theory in the FNF community suggested Pico was Boyfriend's ex, which was humorously confirmed by Pico's creator, Tom Fulp, but later clarified as a joke by FNF developer, Ninjamuffin99. Pico has rapped with Boyfriend out of nostalgia and has twice refused to kill him, indicating a deep bond between the two.

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Who is the main protagonist of Friday Night Funkin'?Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (10)

Boyfriend, a 17-19 year old black teen, is the lead character in Friday Night Funkin'. He sports a purple hoodie, blue jeans, and distinctive tall black hair that arcs sharply to the right. His features include white eyes without pupils, headphones around his neck, and white shoes with yellow laces and purple soles.

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Boyfriend is a young, rather short, light-skinned man with spiky cyan hair and a confident expression. He wears a magenta-white T-shirt with a red prohibition sign, baggy dark blue pants, pink-red sneakers with magenta-white shoelaces and soles as well as black dots on the quarters, and a backward pink-red cap with a dark blue brim. He holds a bluish gray microphone in his right hand while keeping his left hand in his pocket. He is drawn in a chibi style.

During Week 4, his hair gets blown around as a result of standing on a moving car.

During Week 5, he wears a red parka with white fur, light blue pants and light brown snow boots, to suit the Christmas theme.

During Week 6 and as the opponent of the unused song Test, his regular appearance is brightened and rendered in pixel art style. He also moves his microphone differently.

During the last track of Week 7, he holds Girlfriend up by the waist with his left hand and sing with her.


Boyfriend is portrayed as a young, overzealous rapper with a love for music, donuts, and his girlfriend. He loves to sing and show off his skills, resulting in his confident and cocky character. He is very determined and persistent about reaching his goals and won't let anyone get in the way of his success, even when threatened with death.

Boyfriend is implied to be clingy, as he is never seen without Girlfriend by his side. He is also very unintelligent, not realizing when he is in danger or being overconfident about his ability to get out of it. As a result, he is afraid of virtually nothing. This is demonstrated during both Monster and Winter Horrorland, where he does not appear to be afraid despite Monster's constant threatening of him and Girlfriend. Despite this, he has street smarts, as he knows how to heal people. Boyfriend also seems to get bored of scary games, as he once almost fell asleep while playing one.

Boyfriend has been diagnosed with ADHD and ASD. Oftentimes, he will simply beep at strangers instead of talking, giving the impression that he is rather eccentric, although he often does communicate verbally with those whom he is close with. He is also a creative individual, which is demonstrated by his talents as a musician and freestyle rapper. Furthermore, he is never found without his red cap. Boyfriend has low levels of empathy, but he has good intuition. He may live in a messy place, as he does not wash his dirty clothes and continuously moves a pile of them around his room depending on his needs, which also suggests that he has executive dysfunction. His object permanence is also not very good at times. He has a poor concept of time, too, which is a common ADHD trait. He doesn't know very well how to handle money, either, as when he has to pay for a hamburger, he will pay less than what the hamburger costs.

Boyfriend seems quite willing to do immoral things. From tricking iPad children on YouTube for money and cigarettes, getting as much free food as possible from McDonald's while holding the store hostage, hogging up drive-throughs, and vandalizing PlayPlaces, Boyfriend does not appear to care if the things he does are wrong as long as he can get what he wants. In addition, he appears to be somewhat destructive and influenced by anger, as whenever his phones fail to work properly, his first instinct is to destroy them in bizarre and extreme ways.


The Boyfriend is in a relationship with the Girlfriend, but their date isn't easy as Daddy Dearest and his allies battled him for his full approval. Later, Daddy Dearest revealed that the Boyfriend has more opponents to fight.

Skid And Pump[]

During Halloween at Girlfriend's home, Boyfriend battles against Skid and Pump as they they were told by a mysterious stranger to "take her as their treat". The stranger is then revealed to be the Lemon Demon, whom Boyfriend raps against after besting the spooky duo.


While hanging out with Girlfriend, Boyfriend encounters Pico, whom Daddy Dearest hired to kill Boyfriend for humiliating him in Week 1. However, Pico was not told who the target was until he sees Boyfriend. Recognizing him as someone he used to know, he decides challenge him to a rap battle instead.

Mommy Mearest[]

Mommy Mearest, the Girlfriend's mother, challenges the Boyfriend to a rap battle on top of a limo with four of her henchmen dancing in the background.


Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest sit on Santa's chair and hold him hostage, and challenge Boyfriend once again.After besting them twice, Boyfriend and Girlfriend need to battle The Monster after the latter's mass murder in the mall. However, it has been stated that The Monster has illusion powers, making it questionable if a massacre really took place.

Hating Simulator[]

Girlfriend decides to show Boyfriend an old dating simulator until they get pushed into the game by Daddy Dearest, and they have to challenge The Senpai who later dies and reveals a spirit trapped in the game by Daddy Dearest himself.


Under unknown circumstances, Boyfriend And Girlfriend end up in a warzone, inhabited by Sergeant John Captain and his men, he contemplates having the couple executed on the spot, but instead decides to challenge them to a rap battle, due to the day being slow. After besting the Sergeant, he begins taunting boyfriend, calling his girlfriend "an ugly teenager who wears her mom's clothes." This leads to the next song, in which Boyfriend wins again. Enraged, Sergeant Captain orders his men to open fire on the duo, causing the girlfriend to begin to unleash her demonic abilities, this is, however, interrupted by Pico, who knocks Girlfriend off of her speakers, into the arms of Boyfriend, Pico then begins shooting at the Tankmen, as Captain begins his third song, with Pico shooting a tankman with every beat of the drums in the song.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Powerful Fighter: He can beat people with his bare fists, kick them in the face, and incapacitate others.
  • Super Strength: He can hold his girlfriend with one hand, even she weights over 900 pounds or almost half a ton.
  • Efficient Trajectory: He's shown to have an attack sprite which shows that he's a skilled thrower.


  • Boyfriend makes a cameo appearance in YouTuber Sr. Pelo's animation "Spooky Month - Unwanted Guest" as a background plushie. The "Spooky Month" series is also where the characters Skid and Pump originate from.
    • Then, he appears again making another cameo in Spooky Month - Tender Treats where there is a kid who wears the same clothes that Boyfriend wears.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Boyfriend is very tall, considering he is confirmed to be 7 feet tall, twice. He is only drawn with child-like proportions to represent his childlike innocence.
  • Bopeebo used to be the the only song to use Boyfriend's V-sign pose during gameplay.
    • With the release of the Week 7 update, Boyfriend strikes this pose during Tutorial as well.
  • Boyfriend lacks a "danger" icon in Week 6.
  • Boyfriend knows a lot of fingerboard tricks, and it's one of the reasons he won Girlfriend's heart.
  • Boyfriend's favorite Newgrounds game is Newgrounds Rumble.
  • Boyfriend's hair is not dyed and is naturally cyan.
  • Boyfriend is canonically 19-20 years-old, just like Gf.
  • PhantomArcade, an animator/artist of Friday Night Funkin, clarifies that, just like Girlfriend, Boyfriend is far too dumb to be afraid of a lot of things.
    • However, much like Girlfriend, Boyfriend is afraid of lightning, as whenever lightning strikes, Boyfriend will briefly wince and shudder.
  • Boyfriend is capable of speaking English, he just chooses to speak in "Beeps and Boops" since he doesn't like talking to people.
  • The only time Boyfriend is shown talking in English is in the Bf remix of Fresh.
  • Bf's voice is provided by Kawai Sprite, the music compositor for the game.
  • It's confirmed in a Reddit post that Boyfriend is shorter than Girlfriend, as she appears to be taller than him while sitting on the speakers.
    • However he looks short because he, along with Girlfriend and Pico, are drawn in the chibi artstyle, though it is possible he really is on the short side as shown in the gameover screen with his skeleton albeit he is slouching.
    • Bf is canonically 7 feet tall.
  • There is a theory that Boyfriend is an angel, which would be ironic since his lover is a Hadean creature.
    • This theory was deconfirmed by the developers who proceeded to confirm that he is a plain old human. However, they did say they enjoy the idea.
  • Despite the belief that boyfriend is physically weak and could not defend himself, PhantomArcade confirmed that he is a powerful fighter capable of defeating people and leaving them incapacitated for life.
  • In promotional art featuring the erect remixes of the game, Boyfriend can be seen holding a condom. This implies that he prefers to perform sex while protected.
    • This is further supported by the fact that in a mini-comic he literally almost died from shock when Girlfriend tells him she's pregnant as a joke.
  • In the wintertime, when Boyfriend and Girlfriend look away from each other for more than 10 minutes and then look back toward each other, they hold their arms out wide and run toward each other to hug each other, as their object permanence is sometimes not very good. Sometimes they will go to kiss and accidentally bump into a cold pole and kiss it, and both get their tongues stuck there for hours. The fire department even knows them by name.
  • If Girlfriend became a worm, Boyfriend would still love her. While it would impact their love lives and change things, they could get used to it. Boyfriend would also figure out a way to change her back, even if it took him a decade.
  • Right now, WeekEnd 1 is currently the only week where BF isn't the playable protagonist, not even appearing in the week aside from a brief mention in the opening cutscene.

External Links[]

  • Boyfriend on the Friday Night Funkin' Wiki


Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (11) Heroes

Main Characters
Boyfriend |Girlfriend

Guest Characters
Skid and Pump |Pico |Tankman |Darnell |Nene |Hank J. Wimbleton

Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (12) Heroes

Original Characters
Skid and Pump |Lila |Jaune |Father Gregor |Jack and John |Kevin |Spider

Guest-Star Background Characters
Heavy | Medic | Remilia Scarlet | Boyfriend

Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin') (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.